How to get the D-4 Korean student visa Visas) Student, General Trainee (D-2, D-4) Visa & Immigration Registration

❶ Student·Trainee Visa Types Status of Stay Eligibility Status of Stay Eligibility D-2 (Student) International students pursuing associates, bachelor's, master's, doctoral degrees or enroll in a research course • Exchange student • International students in worklearning course (governmentsponsored scholarship students, etc.) • Visiting students (students enrolled in foreign universities and who take regular courses at domestic universities for less than 1 year) D-4 (General Trainee) • Korean language trainees • Trainees from institutions other than university-affiliated language institutes (foreigninvested companies, etc.) • High school students and younger • Korean cooking trainees • Private institution trainees • Foreign language trainees ❷ Customized Flow Chart ※ Below is a simple explanation of eligibility. For detailed requirements for each status of stay, please refer to the Immigration/Stay Guide on the HiKorea website or contact the Immigration Contact Center (at 1345). Type 1 International students acquiring Permanent Resident Status after gaining employment Student·Trainee D-2, D-4 Professional E-1 ~ E-7 Resident F-2 Permanent Resident F-5 Point system foreign talent Doctoral degree holders obtained from abroad in high-tech fields, Doctoral degree holders in general fields, and holders of bachelor's/ master's degrees or certificates

Step 3 (Resident → Permanent Resident) - Applicable to those falling under the following categories and who meet the requirements for permanent residency (good conduct, ability to earn a living, basic knowledge requirements) and specific requirements for each status of stay - (F-5, General Permanent Resident) Those who have stayed in Korea for more than 5 years with D-7 to D-10, E-1 to E-7 or F-2 status of stay - (F-5, Doctoral degree in High-tech Field) Those holding a doctoral degree in a high-tech field from abroad who continue to work full-time in Korea in the same field as their degree for more than one year. - (F-5, Bachelor's/Master's degree or Certificate Holder) Holder of a bachelor's degree or higher in a specific field or a technical license holder who has stayed in Korea for more than 3 years and worked at a domestic company as a full-time regular worker for more than 1 year - (F-5, Doctoral degree in General Field) Those who continue to work full-time at a domestic company for more than one year after obtaining a doctoral degree from a graduate school in Korea. - (F-5, Point-based Permanent Resident) Those who have stayed in Korea for more than 3 years as a point-based Resident (F-2) status * In the case of general permanent residents, holders of bachelor's/master's degree or a certificate and Point-based permanent residents, requirements of basic knowledge are met when completing level 5 or higher in the Social Integration Program (KIIP, Korea Immigration and Integration Program) * Requirements of basic knowledge (Social Integration Program, etc.) are exempt for holders of a doctorate degree in high-tech/general fields In the case of a doctorate in high-tech fields, doctorates in general fields, or holders of bachelor's/master's degrees or a cerificate, changing status directly to Permanent Resident from Professional is allowed if the relevant requirements are met Type 1 I

Step 1 (Student·Trainee → Job Seeker) - (D-10, General Job-Seeking) ① From person seeking training or employment in the field of education to become professor (E-1) to Foreign National with Special Abilities (E7) and have at least a bachelor's degree (including an associate's degree from Korea) by fulfilling score requirements or ② in the case of graduates from a domestic university with excellent Korean language ability, score requirements are exempted * Score requirements are exempted for persons who hold a valid transcript of TOPIK level 4 or higher, have passed the interim evaluation of the Social Integration Program's level 4 or have been assigned to level 5 in the pre-assessment among those who have not exceeded 3 years after obtaining an associate degree or higher from a regular university in Korea - (D-10, Preparing Tech Start-up) Those preparing a tech start-up, which falls under Foreign Investor (D-8) status with a bachelor's degree or higher (including associate degree from Korea), and who meet the relevant requirements [Job Seeker → Professional → Resident → Permanent Resident] Flow Chart Click HERE

Step 1 (Student/Trainee → Tech Start-up/International Trade) - (D-8, Tech Start-up) Those who have acquired an associate degree or higher in Korea, a bachelor's degree or higher abroad or those recommended by the head of a central administrative agency and who meet the requirements for the point system or requirements to be a participant in the K-startup Grand Challenge * Additional points are given to those who have completed Level 3 or higher of the Social Integration Program (KIIP, Korea Immigration and Integration Program) - (D-9, Trade Specific) Those who have fulfilled points and requirements according to the trade visa point system * Additional points are given to those who have completed Level 3 or higher of the Social Integration Program (KIIP, Korea Immigration and Integration Program) - (D-9, Study Abroad and Trade) A person who has obtained or is expecting a master's degree or higher in Korea and invested more than 100 million won to manage a company in Korea Step 2 (Start-up·Trade → Resident) - (F-2, Point-based Foreign Talent) Employees of listed corporations, employees in promising industries, professionals, international student talent or prospective talent who meet the requirements of the point system * Points are differentiated according to the completion level of the Social Integration Program (KIIP, Korea Immigration and Integration Program), and additional points are given to those who have completed level 5 or higher - (F-2, Long-term Resident) Those who have stayed in Korea for more than 5 years with D-8 to D-9 status and meet all the relevant requirements such as good conduct and ability to maintain a livelihood. * Basic Knowledge requirements are met when completing the Social Integration Program (KIIP, Korea Immigration and Integration Program) level 4 or higher or when obtaining at least 81 points in pre-assessment Step 3 (Resident → Permanent Resident) - Applicable to those falling under the following categories and who meet the requirements for permanent residency (good conduct, ability to earn a living, basic knowledge) as well as specific requirements for each status of stay - (F-5, General Permanent Resident) Those who have stayed in Korea for more than 5 years with D-7 to D-10, E-1 to E-7 or F-2 status - (F-5, Point-based Permanent Resident) Those who have stayed in Korea for more than 3 years as a point-based Resident (F-2) status - (F-5, Tech Start-up Investor) A person who has stayed in Korea for more than 3 years with foreign investor (D-8) status with an investment of 300 million won or more and employed more than 2 Korean nationals * In the case of General Permanent Resident and Point-based Permanent Resident, basic knowledge requirements are met when completing level 5 or higher of the Social Integration Program (KIIP, Korea Immigration and Integration Program) * Requirements of basic knowledge (Social Integration Program, etc.) are exempt for tech start-up investors In the case of tech start-up investors, changing status directly to Permanent Resident from Tech Start-up is allowed if the relevant requirements are met


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